The Affordable Housing Design Portal was created and is hosted and maintained by the Center for Building Knowledge at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.  It is an extension and evolution of the Affordable Housing Design Advisor, originally created by Deane Evans for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in cooperation with: the American Institute of Architects, the Enterprise Foundation, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the National Congress for Community Economic Development, and the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation.   
The new Design Portal provides access to a completely new Gallery of high quality affordable housing case studies, a Video Library of tutorials on a wide range of design topics, and a curated Resources section to provide additional design-focused information to affordable housing stakeholders.  All three of these sections of the Portal will be regularly updated with new case studies, tutorials and other guidance.  The Portal also incorporates the original Design Advisor as a still very valuable, archived resource.  
The team responsible for the development and launch of the Portal include:
NJIT Center for Building Knowledge
Deane Evans, FAIA, Executive Director
Victoria Dollon
Christine Liaukus, RA
Terra Meierdierck
Richard Baldwin, EpiSolve, LLC
Kris Edquilag, 2019 NJIT Affordable Housing Design Scholar 
Additional Contributors
American Institute of Architects Housing Knowledge Community
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Kathy Dorgan, FAIA, Dorgan Architecture and Planning